Antonis, my very much loved co-worker, breakfast
buddy and impromptu singing partner – sorry, correction, sanging partner
–, nodded with delight that I had finally booked farewell work drinks that
suited our premium cocktail and tapas taste, on everyone’s Cheap Tuesday budget.
As the unofficial work social-events coordinator, I
put my best year-10 Microsoft Word sign-making skills to good use, and designed
a flyer invite, to put in the staff tearoom.
(If you're wondering, I used the fonts Britannic
Bold and Cambria with a double-lined border .
Nice, nice? Yeah, I thought so too - I've come a long way since Curlz MT and Comic Sans MS)
Antonis poses a question to me :
"So why are you doing this? Why are you moving
to Canada? Are you going through some kind of manic depression? My Dad had it,
I think, when he started wearing red pants. And I was like 'Dad, are you OK?'
I'm very much OK. Do you see me wearing red pants?
Would I ever consider buying red pants?
Sure, I wore a pair of red short-shorts during my European trip. By the end of those eight fantastic weeks, my buttons
were popping and camel toes weren't stopping, all thanks to a few Nutella
crepes, a couple dozen cups of gelato, and a glorious amount bread and olive
Other than that, no manic red pants depression here.
Other than that, no manic red pants depression here.
This GIF has nothing to do with the story, it's just really funny to watch over and over and over and over.... Happy Byrce? |
The truth is I'm doing it because it's my ultimate DREAM - Ok, ok, and stop right there!
I hate using that word, just as much as I dislike
the word ‘BLOG’ and‘JOURNEY’.
So, instead of dream, let's use, hallucination.
Instead of blog,
let’s say, diary of my absent seizure
And instead of journey,
call it, a voyage through middle earth.
Others may hallucinate of graduating uni and
landing their ultimate job; getting married and raising a family; travelling
every last inch of the earth; or clocking up over 500 likes on an Instagram
picture of their Sunday morning cafe breakfast.
# sunday #morning # bigbreakfast #bacon
#poachedeggs #hashbrown # tomatoe #mushrooms #halomie #sausages #pancakes #maplesyrup #raisintoast
#livercleansingjuice # #hangoverfood #livingthehallucination #dietstartsmonday
This hallucination has been pestering me
for years.
Last year I had an epiphany, while being thrown out of a helicopter over the Swiss Alps
alongside a man named Woody. As I plummeted to the ground at a gazillion miles
an hour, hoping for the best, I thought to myself "If I can do this, I can
do anything!”
So I'm doing it. After many years of um-ing and
ahh-ing in procrastination and questioning whether I'm brave enough to flip my
comfortable world upside down, I'm doing it. I'm just going to have a crack at
it, challenge myself and see what happens! (Give yourself an awkward high-five
Same goes for the diary of my absent seizures
thoughts. I'm writing about my voyage through middle earth because I get happy
feet from it and it’s what I love to do.
Sure, I've made a couple a shitload of silly spelling and grammar mistakes, but it's OK.
I'm just going to keep up with my absent seizures
and improve my writing every day.
For me, this voyage through middle earth is a must;
mandatory, you could say. I don't know why and I can’t remember for how long;
but this idea, this fantasy, this hallucination of living in Canada will not
leave me alone until I achieve it. Then when I do, I can be at peace and focus
on other hallucinations, like gaining the most likes on Instagram of a
latte, with a fancy coffee art design of the Grumpy Cat.
"I'll rate your coffee was horrible" - Grumpy Cat. |
#Grumpycat #grumpy #cat #latte #soy #coffee #art #im#guessing#this
Until next time hallucinators.
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