Friday, 12 July 2013

Pluggers to Powder First Editon (112 days to go)

So here you are, witnessing me give birth to my first ever blog. It's a big occasion you know? Showing the world what I created. Will it be funny? Will it have lots of friends? Will it embarrass me in front of everyone? All the normal things a new bloggy parent worries about. You see, after one boring Friday night, when there were no more decent episodes of 'Say Yes to the Dress' , the fridge was empty and my room wasn't at hoarder status to consider cleaning it, I thought I would let go of all fears and create an online shrine for myself. 'Why?' you ask, well I have made a huge step in my life and I'm finally realising my dream of living and working in Canada! A fantasy now turned reality thanks to the lovely folk at The Working Holiday Club.
So the idea now is to write all about it! I'll give a weekly updates on the lead up before I leave, when I arrive and what comes my way on this mystical magical journey in my own unstable, unpredictable and quite frankly nutter words.

In November this year I will be swapping my pluggers for snow boots and my "oi's" for "eh's", when I begin working as a Rental Tech at Grouse Mountain Resort and become the newest resident of North Vancouver for at least the next 6 months.
A lot of planning, paper chasing and verbal abuse was suffered by my laptop over the past few  months, but it has been and will be worth it!
Grouse Mountain

The purpose of my online monologue is this.

1. To show how a Brisbane summer-loving girl makes it in the big white FREEZING snow!
(For example, I will give tips on how to get out of bed when it's
-2 degrees and not punch anyone in the process.)
2.  To keep my family and friends posted.
3. To inspire others who want to make the same adventure.
4. Because I'm hilarious. If I cant make you laugh through your nose, you obviously just have a very serious sinus infection, that's all I can pin point it down to.

Till next time amigos.

Amanda x