Tuesday, 10 September 2013

In the words of Mr Chow "So long gay* boys!" *just to clarify they are very straight boys who have lady lovers. (52 days until I leave for Canada)

Ten months ago my friend Renae and I went to a Caxton St bar for drinks with our old school mate, Ashley, who I last saw nine years ago, and with him was his younger brothers, Brad and Christian.

After one jug of some kind of tap beer and an expensive round of tequila shots (thanks to me), Renae and I some how ended up at a Brisbane Roar Football game with the boys.
I will admit I didn't have a frigging clue what was happening on the field, but I did know that Renae and I were drunk, giggly and taking selfies like morons. Yes, we became those girls at a sporting event.

Anyway, we all had a blast and Ash was still the same funny, easy going guy I remember from school, except he got a little bit taller.
A few days later, Ash asked if I wanted to move in with him and his brothers, as they were looking for a new flatmate after buying a house together.
One month later the Hemingway bachelor pad was my new home. I was the token new girl.

Today I sadly packed up my king single bed (I know, I know I'm pathetic human being!) and said goodbye to the best three flat mates a girl could ask for, so I can move back into my parents home, to save cash for Canada.

Life at the Hemingway home was never a boring one. Everyday was a "f*cking sweet!" day! 
Not one day went by without a laugh-a-thon, a friendly fiery debate, a sarcastic but loving "F*ck you" thrown at each other and we never went to bed without a "Goodnight roomie". 
Can I get anymore soppy or sentimental? Yes I can!

I fell in love with the Hemingway boys and I will miss everything about living with my adopted brothers. I'll miss listening to Ash sing the same Red Hot Chili Peppers song every time he cooked dinner, I'll miss Brad asking me "Is she hot?", whenever I mention one of my friends ,and I'll miss Christians sweet shy character, along with his outspoken alter-ego when he gets drunk.
They changed me for the better and their friendship healed the damaged parts of my life without them even knowing it.

Brad + Ashley + Christian = :) Amanda

Hemingway House Highlights

  • Opening me to the world of Star Wars, The Regular Show and Adventure Time. I have learnt that there is NO age limit when in comes to cartoons.
  • Teaching me the importance of football (soccer for those playing at home). The passion, the excitement, the passion, the build up, the passion....THE PASSION!!!! These kids are the craziest die-hard football fanatics I have ever meet, and I've learnt 2 things from this. 
1. Never try to nurse a hangover in bed when a football final happening in the lounge room. Stay at your mum's.                                                                                                               
2. Whatever you do, never ever, don't even think about it, are you crazy they will kill you in your sleep, ever call football that forbidden word Soccer. It's the same as saying the name Voldemont in Harry Potter land. It's forbidden!! (NERD ALERT!)

I think this guy loves football?

The Regular Show

To Ash, Brad and Christian, I will always be grateful to you boys, for you letting me live in your home. I thank you for putting up with my sometimes, most of the time, OK majority of the time messiness. I thank-you for accepting the times I hogged the TV to watch Offspring and Fashion Police, for understanding why I had to take over 80% of the shower shelf storage and for doing your awkward best at comforting me, when I was hormonal crying mess.

I can't thank-you enough or express how much I will miss you boys.
Now please excuse me, while I go to my room and cry like a little bitch with a pack of Tim Tams.

I love you roomies!

Until next time bro!

Amanda x