Sunday, 4 August 2013

"It's not about the money,money,money" (89 days to go)

You're right Jessie J! Life's not all about the cha-ching cha-ching or ba-bling ba-bling, you just wanna make the world dance with your catchy pop songs that make you zillions of $$$!
However Miss J, when you're trying to save what you can to live overseas, a big fat money tree can sure come in handy.

Everyone knows saving for that dream trip comes with a price tag and a long list of budgeting sacrifices, and it can be even harder when you have a short time frame to save, you're a working student or you have a few annoying credit cards and loans to pay off.

But fear not fellow adventuring enthusiasts, miracles do happen! That plane ticket and a big bucket of loonies and toonies can be yours. 
You just need a bit of faith, a real close look at your spending habits and make a saving plan pronto!
Yes, yes; budgeting can be as painful as seeing another pointless Instagram of your selfie-absorbed friend, but I can tell you, it will be worth it at the end. @amanda_maguire

Thumbs up for my rad sweater #itwasonsale #ishouldhostplayschool @amanda_maguire

I have been on a spending detox for a while now and I have managed to survive and save a tone of cash, however I have noticed I 've develop a condition I like to call, 'Stingy Tight Ass Syndrome'.

Symptoms include:

  • Obsessing about using the absolute last drop of my Moroccan hair oil , the last dollop of the toothpaste and the last smige of lip balm until it's bone dry.
  • Forgetting my bank card PIN number, because it's been so long since I last used it.
  • My pick up line at the bar is "So what drink are you buying me?"
  • Sentencing myself to house arrest, in fear of going outside and spending money.
  • Finding anyway I can to get a free feed, including samples at the supermarket to inviting myself over for dinner to my parents, even when they're not home
  • My favourite meal to order is 'Soup of the day'
  • I scramble for that 5 cent piece I dropped on the ground, when I would normally let it roll away.
  • My Facebook status reads "Found a $5 note in an old pair of jeans! BEST DAY EVER!"
  • The pantry is overflowing with 2 minute noodles because Coles had an awesome special happening.
"Let see what happens when I eat 2 minute noodles every night for the next 3 months" #selfie#broke #poor # saving

"My worst Nightmare "#selfie #expensivetaste #whyyyyy??? #broke #myhairisfucked

"hang in there mate,  just 2 more days till pay day!" #selfie #broke #saving #sad #myteetharefucked

When I first looked at my financial situation, I put my accountant hat on and had my monkey assistant add up the figures. I almost pulled the plug on the whole show. It seemed impossible.
How on earth was I going to come up with thousands of dollars to pay for flights and winter gear, when I already had a hefty credit card to pay off and still afford my everyday essentials?
Then I had one more look (but this time I got into character and pretended I was financial guru Kochie, by wearing a beige swimming cap, my reading glasses and forced my flat mate, Ashley, to put on a blonde wig and lipstick to play Mel. He wasn't too impressed)


Its was possible! I looked at EVERYTHING I was spending my money on.
Rent, car insurance, health insurance, phone plans, gym fees, grocery shopping, transport to work and absolutely everything in between I spent my pay on.
First things first, I made paying off that nasty credit card my number 1 priority. No excuses!
Next, I cut out the 'crap' I could live without (magazines, gym, paid parking) and chose cheaper options for things I do really need (phone plan, car insurance, soy lattes). Simple.

At the beginning it was a pain in the backside and a little stressful, but just trust me.
Keep with it, and you will soon start to see a mighty fine figure in your bank account, and not on your credit card statement.

So here's to happy Saturday nights in on couch, with my 2 minute noodles and cheap wine. CHEERS!

Until next time cherubs

Amanda x

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